Accepted to Neural Networks Journal

Our paper regarding the automatic termination for neural architecture search has been accepted to Neural Networks. This work is collaborative research with Prof. Hino (Institute of Statistical Mathematics), etc.

  • Kotaro Sakamoto, Hideaki Ishibashi, Rei Sato, Shinichi Shirakawa, Youhei Akimoto, and Hideitsu Hino: ATNAS: Automatic Termination for Neural Architecture Search, Neural Networks, Vol. 166, pp. 446-458, Sep. 2023. [DOI]

Accepted to EvoApplications 2023 (Part of Evostar 2023)

Our paper has been accepted to EvoApplications 2023 (Part of Evostar 2023). This work proposes a switching mechanism for target variables of the surrogate model in surrogate-assisted (1+1)-CMA-ES.

  • Yutaro Yamada, Kento Uchida, Shota Saito, and Shinichi Shirakawa: Surrogate-Assisted (1+1)-CMA-ES with Switching Mechanism of Utility Functions, EvoApplications 2023 (Held as Part of EvoStar 2023), Brno, Czech Republic, April 12-14, 2023.

Accepted to HUCAPP 2023

Our paper has been accepted to HUCAPP 2023. This work is collaborative research with Prof. Hasegawa at Hokkai Gakuen University and Prof. Kaneko at Aoyama Gakuin University. This paper proposes a method for applying a text-to-gesture generation model trained using an English dataset to Japanese speakers’ data.

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Accepted to Knowledge-Based Systems Journal

Our paper has been accepted to Knowledge-Based Systems. This paper proposes a generation method of EPMA images with desirable physical characteristics based on deep learning. This work is collaborative research with Toyota Motor Corporation.

  • Kento Uchida, Genki Sakata, Tetsushi Watari, Yuta Yamakita, and Shinichi Shirakawa: Generation of microscopic structure of solder material with desirable characteristics based on deep learning, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 258, 110017, Dec. 2022. [DOI]

Accepted to 2022 IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops

Our paper has been accepted to the Workshop on Edge Learning over 5G Mobile Networks and Beyond in IEEE GLOBECOM 2022). This work is collaborative research with Prof. Nishio at Tokyo Institute of Technology. This paper proposes a neural architecture search method for split computing in which neural networks are split and located at edge devices and servers for inference.

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Accepted to Ocean Engineering Journal

Our paper has been accepted to Ocean Engineering. This paper proposes a method for obtaining online berthing control law using supervised learning and reinforcement learning. This work is collaborative research with the group of Prof. Maki at Osaka University.

  • Shoma Shimizu, Kenta Nishihara, Yoshiki Miyauchi, Kouki Wakita, Rin Suyama, Atsuo Maki, and Shinichi Shirakawa: Automatic berthing using supervised learning and reinforcement learning, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 265, 112553, Dec. 2022. [DOI]